Reel Borders studies how borders are imagined through film

24-25 January 2024

II Congreso de Fronteras Ibéricas

Reel Borders team members Silvia Almenara-Niebla and Irene have presented papers on their sub-studies on the Moroccan-Spanish border. Silvia’s paper “Understanding Border Emotions through Film: activism and Violent Ignorance at the Ceuta-Melilla Border" reports on ethnographic research and six cineforums conducted in Ceuta. Irene Gutiérrez presented seven short films from the three-month participatory filmmaking workshop in Ceuta, followed by a discussion. She also presented the paper “Trapped in Ceuta: Uncovering the coloniality-immobility Nexus through Participatory Filmmaking”, which resumes the insights of her academic article “Trapped in Ceuta: Reflexive Tactics and Methods in Participatory Filmmaking among Cross-border Women”, published in the journal Migration Studies. 


Funded by the European Research Council.
Starting Grant #948278

The Reel Borders logo is designed by Joris Bochman
The Reel Borders website was built by Irene Gutiérrez and Silvia Almenara-Niebla