Reel Borders studies how borders are imagined through film

ICA 2022: Presentation and Top Paper finalist

On 30 May  Lennart Soberon and Kevin Smets participated in the hybrid  annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). The presentation was titled “Beating the border: playing with migrant experiences and borderveillant spectatorship in Channel 4’s Smuggled (2019) and was part of the panel Media, Politics and the Right to Expression. The paper was also one of the four finalists (postdoc and faculty category) for the Top Paper Award. The study will be published as part of a forthcoming book edited by Kristín Loftsdóttir, Brigitte Hipl and Sandra Ponzanesi, so stay tuned for more news!


Funded by the European Research Council.
Starting Grant #948278

The Reel Borders logo is designed by Joris Bochman
The Reel Borders website was built by Irene Gutiérrez and Silvia Almenara-Niebla