Reel Borders studies how borders are imagined through film

Workshop at IMISCOE Conference

Reel Borders team members Irene Gutiérrez and Silvia Almenara-Niebla along with Carolyn Defrin (University of Graz) organized the workshop “Operationalising critical (self-)reflexivity: towards an anti-colonial manifesto for using creative methods in migration and border research” at the 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference “Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn”. Among the participants are our ECHO research group colleague Valériane Mistiaen. More information about the conference and workshop can be found here.

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Funded by the European Research Council.
Starting Grant #948278

The Reel Borders logo is designed by Joris Bochman
The Reel Borders website was built by Irene Gutiérrez and Silvia Almenara-Niebla