Reel Borders studies how borders are imagined through film

Film screening at EFACIS Conference 2023

The Reel Borders team was invited by Dr Des O’Rawe for a special pre-conference event at the 2023 conference of EFACIS (European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies) at Queen’s University, Belfast. The four films from the filmmaking workshop in Derry were introduced by Kevin Smets (online), and participant Tom Hannigan joined the Q&A discussion together with Irene Gutiérrez (online). More information about the conference can be found here.


Funded by the European Research Council.
Starting Grant #948278

The Reel Borders logo is designed by Joris Bochman
The Reel Borders website was built by Irene Gutiérrez and Silvia Almenara-Niebla